Mini Roti Breakfast Pizza, the one that saves the ones that got away

In a week I tend to some how collect a lot of ones – one baby aubergine that rolled off the bag that it was in, one green onion that was forgotten behind the tomatoes, one baby carrot that fell into a bag of methi and wasn’t discovered till methi aloo happened, one slice of cheese that slipped under the chocolates in the chiller post the nightly chocolate binge, one paratha that was forgotten in the dubba at the back of the fridge and one tablespoon of tomato or any gravy that was left for a little pre dinner snack and bowl mopping that never happened.

Does it happen to you guys? It happens to me all the time.

This mini roti pizza turns those ones into a delicious breakfast. Below what I’ve put down is more an idea rather than a recipe. There are very few thing you can do to get it wrong.

Mini Roti Breakfast Pizza

Mini Roti Breakfast Pizza, the one that saves the ones that got away


Find the ones in your fridge.

Even the twos will do.

No threes and more.


All that can be sliced should be sliced thinly and grilled on a hot pan with butter, salt and pepper until its charred.

What can be smeared should be smeared over the paratha.

All the grilled slices of the ones should be placed on the smeared paratha in a pattern that you like.

Bake it at 180C for 10 mins.

Pour a few drops of extra virgin olive oil. Slice and eat.